Welcome to Madibatlou Middle School

This school is counted among the best schools in Ekurhuleni North District. I would like to invite you into the belly of our school to have a better understanding of why we believe we are a success story against prevailing odds.


To provide quality teaching and learning that will enable learners attain necessary skills, knowledge, attitudes and values. 

Mission Statement

We are committed to be at the cutting edge of service delivery, by providing effective day-to-day teaching and learning, creating…

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To improve the level of performance and attainment in all subjects through improved resources.  To encourage and develop educators to…

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i. Learner-Centred  ii. Respect  iii. Honesty  iv. Punctuality  v. Ubuntu  vi. Empathy and Sympathy  vii. Humility and Humanity 

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2023 Newsletter

2023 Madibatlou Newsletter

Our Principal & Deputy

  • The most powerful tool that permeates through learners, teachers and parent community of Madibatlou Middle School is the ability to withstand socio-economic challenges, and keep on trying to achieve the best with the reticence of fixity of purpose. 

    Through economic and social partnerships, only the sky can be the limit for our achievement of socio-cultural and academic excellence. I am proud to be leading this winning team. 

    Enjoy your journey of discovery about Madibatlou Middle School. 

    Mr WK Molokomme
  • The school curriculum is driven by a motivated and capable Deputy Principal, Mr R Badernhorst. His core role is to ensure that all policies and procedures from Education Department are implemented by the foot soldiers – the teachers, in line with the management plan. He is passionate about technology, and believes that Covid-19 may have inadvertently presented an opportunity for the school to move with speed in the direction of ICT infrastructural capacitation. He believes that Madibatlou Middle School is a victim of its own success because too many learners are fighting to get admitted at the school, and this presents a challenge on resources, both human and physical. He reckons that some parents have to pay lots of transport money just to see their children being taught at this oasis of success deep in the desert /shack-land of L&J. This is indeed a great tribute befitting of hardworking teachers, learners and parent community of Madibatlou Middle School.

    Mr R Badernhorst