2023 Newsletter

2023 Madibatlou Newsletter

Business Continuity Continuum

Madibatlou Middle School is run like a system for orderliness and sustainability. All elements relating to Strategy (ensuring that the Departmental objectives are met), Structure (ensuring clear line of command/clear reporting lines), System (ensuring that all stakeholders are involved in the successful running of the school), Skills (ensuring that well qualified and skilled workforce zealous on lifelong learning is employed), Staff (ensuring reward of good performance, and management of poor performance), Style (situational leadership style applied) and Shared Values are imbued in how the school is managed and envisioned to become. This Business Continuity Continuum is aimed at producing highly capacitated and very competent learners in terms of phase exit throughput. Nevertheless, there are pros and cons in every system, just as it is case with Madibatlou Middle School as indicated below: 

Strengths / Global Successes 

i. Very good teamwork amongst SMT, educators, SGB, learners and parents. 

ii. The school was able to secure bursaries for at least 5 learners over the last ten years 

iii. Twinning relationship with South downs College and American International school in sports 

iv. The School was able to obtain a 90% plus pass rate for more than 10 Years consecutively. 

v. Good performance in home language, English and MST subjects. 

vi. Fully involved SGB and supportive in terms of looking for new sponsorships. 

Improvement Areas / Global Challenges 

i. Shortage of Infrastructure- classrooms, staffroom, school hall, shade, sick room, bigger library, laboratory for senior phase, Technology centre and under cover walkways. 

ii. Upgrade of water supply – better borehole system or else municipality water supply needed. 

iii. ICT equipment for teaching and learning to respond to Covid-19 challenges 

iv. Road signs – in front of school on provincial road. 

v. Restricted sport facilities and playing areas for learners. 

vi. Poverty-stricken community impedes self-sustenance of the school in terms of financial injections. 

vii. Safety and Security can be better with little external financial support. 

Learner Support Initiatives

We weekly conduct a learner-support-programme from 14:00 to 14:30 (Mondays to Wednesdays). This programme supports learners that need additional support owing to diagnostic assessments and previous summative assessments feedback. 

ii. Educators are supported by the senior management team to ensure that results are improved as markedly as possible. 

iii. Maths, Science and Technology (MST) strategies are implemented with continual professional training interventions 

iv. Regular Ekurhuleni Education District support (visits by IDSO, HR, Policy & Planning, LTSM, Nutrition/Transport, ISS, Infrastructure & curriculum) 

v. Sharing of good practice with Southdown College (to improve English reading and Mathematics). 

vi. Annual school improvement plans for all subjects. 

vii. Teacher development training/workshops/courses regularly attended. 

viii. Learners needing additional support are reported to School Based Support Team (SBST) and the District ISS unit for further professional interventions. 

ix. System-wide Curriculum Management Plan is meticulously followed (twice a term). 


The school has partnered with the following companies and organisations: 

i. Motus (MIDAS) 

ii. Sterkfontein Bricks 

iii. Apollo Bricks 

iv. AfriSam 

v. Eskom 

vi. Nor-Cross (Johnson Tiles) 

vii. Stefanutti Stocks 

viii. Izzi Trust 

ix. Ekurhuleni Social Development 

Executive Summary

Madibatlou Middle School is a farm school situated in the greater Olifantsfontein area, catering tuition for learners from Grade R to Grade 9. The school was established in 1972, with 245 learners (Sub-A to Standard 6 – to use terminology of the past) under the late Principal, Mr Ramogale. Mr. Ntuli took over from Mr. Ramogale in 1997. Mrs. Lumwila took over the principalship from Mr. Ntuli in 1998. In 1999, the school engaged in a rigorous drive to get sponsorship to upgrade the school infrastructural standing. In 2001, the education department and private companies (through social responsibility mandates) gave the school 5 classrooms, and a temporary administration block. Companies like MIDAS, which today is known as Motus, MTN and Eskom helped the school to get water, electricity and learning and teaching support materials (LTSM), such as furniture, books, et cetera. In 2003, the school introduced Grade R. Learners were accommodated in a prefabricated classroom, which was not conducive for small learners. However, brick and mortar buildings were secured through support from the department of education and private companies. 

In 2015, Mr WK Molokomme replaced Mrs. Lumwila as the school principal. The school has steadily grown from a paltry 245 learners in 1972 to 2004 learners in 2020. Madibatlou Middle School has grown in stature since its inception, and it has become extremely successful in the areas of academia and extra-murals, including sporting and cultural activities. The school has won numerous awards, and has been sponsored over the years by a great many businesses and charity organisations. The school is achieving all these successes despite dire socio-economic background of most of its learner community, mainly the farm community of L&J where most of the learners reside. The school, despite its socio-economic disposition, is counted among the best in the Ekurhuleni North education district. This is evidenced by children travelling from Thembisa and other townships to attend school in Madibatlou Middle School. 

The success of the school is based on strong systemic pillars (of stakeholder engagement) formed by social and business partners. Learners are committed, teachers are well read, parents are supportive, education department is assisting with legislative prescripts, while the business community is playing its social responsibility role (although much more can still be achieved), bearing in mind the new normal presented by Covid-19 teaching and learning imperatives. 

Madibatlou Middle School believes in the motto: “Environment Everything, Heredity Nothing.” If a learner is given the right, conducive environment for learning, such a learner can be successful. Madibatlou Middle School is therefore not waiting for freebies, but doing the most out of the little it has, for the benefit of the community.